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Metrics Definitions


1. Result is a condition of well-being for people in a place, stated as a complete sentence. For example, "All babies in Vermont are born healthy."

Source: Trying Hard is Not Good Enough by Mark Friedman

2. An indicator is a measure that helps quantify the achievement of a result. Indicators answer the question "How would we recognize this result if we fell over it?"

3.A strategy is a coherent collection of actions that has a reasoned chance of improving results. Strategies are made up of our best thinking about what works, and include the contributions of many partners. Strategies operate at both the population and performance levels.

4. A performance measure is a measure of how well a program, agency or service system is working. The most important performance measures tell us whether program customers are better off.

They are customer results to distinguish them from population results.

Accountability uses three types of performance measures: How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off?